Day Twelve
Bug Philosophy For Sloths (Read Proverbs 6:6-11)
Today's wisdom contrasts the worth ethic of bugs to the character flaw known as sloth. Sloth is the reluctance to work or make an effort; it is laziness. Has anyone ever accused you of being lazy? If you tend to be lazy, have you ever considered what it has cost you and others? Slothfulness can be delusional and often confused with creativity.
Bugs have much to teach us; if the world ceased to have bugs that lived with a purpose, it would cease to exist.
"Within 50 years, all life on Earth would end. "If insects were to disappear, the world would fall apart — there are no two ways about it," ~ Goggy Davidowitz.
If you suffer from sloth, guess what? Your world will fall apart.
What fantastic wisdom King Solomon possessed. He understood ants before scientific study could affirm his thesis. In verse 7, he states no prince, governor, or ruler can make the ants work. Yes, there is a queen who is the founder and leader of the colony, but her real purpose is to lay eggs to ensure the colony's survival. Ant colonies are social insects that don't have a central leader or one ant that directs the behavior of others. Instead, different ants perform tasks such as building the nest, caring for the young, and foraging for food.
6 Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.
Learn from their ways and become wise!
7 Though they have no prince
or governor or ruler to make them work,
8 they labor hard all summer,
gathering food for the winter.
9 But you, lazybones, how long will you sleep?
When will you wake up?
10 A little extra sleep, a little more slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
11 then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit;
scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.
Some of the most incredible wisdom ever bestowed on me by one of my early bosses and mentors was "Work Hard, Work Smart, and Work Honest!" None of us do this perfectly, but you can't go wrong applying this philosophy to your life. You must be willing to go to any lengths to be responsible for the tasks God has gifted and proposed to you. What will you do, starting today, to better apply bug theology to your life?
"Awake. Be the witness of your thoughts. The elephant hauls himself from the mud. In the same way, drag yourself out of your sloth." ~ Gautama Buddha