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Jesus-Centered Journey: The Bible in 365 Days

Day 1: Genesis 1-3 (Creation and the Fall)
Theme: Creation’s Beauty and Humanity’s Brokenness

Daily Reading:

Genesis 1-3 (NLT)


Humanity’s rebellion mars the beauty of the garden. Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, choosing autonomy over trust in God. Their choice fractures their relationship with Him, with each other, and with creation. The serpent’s lie—“You will be like God”—amplifies the pride that separates us from our Creator.

Even in this moment of failure, God offers hope. In Genesis 3:15, often called the protoevangelium (the first gospel), God promises that the seed of the woman will crush the serpent’s head. Church fathers like Irenaeus saw this as the first glimpse of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who will conquer sin and death.

Historical Insight:

C.S. Lewis observed, “What Satan put into the heads of our remote ancestors was the idea that they could ‘be like gods’—could set up on their own as if they had created themselves.” This insight underscores the root of the fall: pride. Early theologians often linked the fall in Genesis to humanity’s enduring struggle with pride and independence, themes that Jesus would later confront through humility and sacrifice.

Call to Action:

Identify one area where you seek independence from God. Confess this to Him and ask for His grace to trust Him fully.

Personal Reflection Question:

What steps can you take today to trust God’s provision and goodness in areas where you feel tempted to take control?

Group Reflection Question:

How does seeing God’s redemptive plan in Genesis 3:15 help you recognize Jesus as central to the entire story of Scripture?

Jesus-Centered Prayer:

Lord Jesus, You created the world in beauty and perfection, and You entered our brokenness to restore it. Thank You for offering redemption, even in humanity’s darkest moment. Help us to trust Your goodness and surrender our hearts to Your loving care. Strengthen us to reflect Your image through obedience and grace. In Your holy name, Amen.

Hope and Promise

Even in our failure, God provides a promise of redemption. Genesis 3:15 points directly to Jesus, who enters the story to defeat sin and restore what was lost. Today, hold on to the hope that God’s plan for restoration began long before our sin and continues through Christ. God invites you to live in His grace and walk in a restored relationship with Him.