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Jesus-Centered Journey: The Bible in 365 Days

Day 2: Genesis 1-3 (Creation and the Fall)
Theme: God’s Grace Amid Humanity’s Failure

Daily Reading:

Genesis 1-3 (NLT)


On Day 1, we marveled at God’s perfect creation and lamented humanity’s rebellion. Today, we turn our focus to God’s response to the fall. When Adam and Eve realize their nakedness, they hide from God, exposing their guilt and shame. Genesis 3:9 records God’s tender question: “Where are you?” This voice is not the voice of an angry judge but of a loving Father seeking His children.

God does not leave Adam and Eve in their brokenness. While He pronounces consequences for their sin, He also clothes them with skin garments, an act of provision and grace (Genesis 3:21). This foreshadows Jesus, the Lamb of God, whose sacrifice covers our sin and restores our relationship with the Father.

Even as He sends Adam and Eve from the garden, God remains committed to His plan of redemption. Genesis 3:15, the first gospel promise, assures us that God will ultimately triumph over sin and evil through Jesus Christ. The narrative reminds us that while sin brings separation, God’s grace always pursues and restores.

Historical Insight:

Genesis 3:21, where God clothes Adam and Eve, is often seen as the first act of substitutionary sacrifice in Scripture. Early theologians, like John Chrysostom, noted that this provision pointed to the ultimate covering of sin through Christ’s atonement. Chrysostom wrote, “God did not leave them naked in their sin but covered them in mercy, foreshadowing the salvation to come.”

The expulsion from Eden reflects ancient Near Eastern customs of banishment after disobedience to a sovereign. Yet, unlike other narratives of the time, God does not abandon Adam and Eve but stays present in their story, demonstrating His unique character of grace and love.

Call to Action:

Reflect on areas where you hide from God due to shame or guilt. Bring those areas to Him, trusting that His grace is sufficient to cover and restore you.

Personal Reflection Question:

How does God’s question, “Where are you?” speak to your relationship with Him today?

Group Reflection Question:

What does God’s act of clothing Adam and Eve reveal about His character and His ultimate plan of redemption through Christ?

Jesus-Centered Prayer:

Lord Jesus, You seek us even when we hide in shame. Thank You for covering our sins through Your sacrifice and restoring us to the Father. Teach us to trust in Your grace and to walk in the freedom You provide. Draw us closer to Your heart, and help us reflect Your love to others. In Your name, Amen.

Hope and Promise

God’s grace pursues us, even in our failure. The promise of redemption in Genesis 3:15 points directly to Jesus, who conquers sin and death. God does not leave us in our brokenness; He covers us with His mercy and invites us back into fellowship with Him. Today, we cling to the hope that God’s grace is more significant than any sin, and His love is steadfast through every trial.