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Day Fifty-Five

God's Gaze (Read Proverbs 20:20-30)

"And from true lordship, it follows that the true God is living, intelligent, and powerful; from the other perfections, he is supreme, or supremely perfect. He is eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient; that is, he endures from eternity to eternity; he is present from infinity to infinity; he rules all things, and he knows all things that happen or can happen." ~ Isaac Newton

God's omniscience is a theme that runs deeply through scripture, reminding us that God sees everything. The "spirit" or "breath" that God placed within us, which comes out as speech, serves as His divine flashlight, illuminating the deepest parts of our hearts to his gaze. Jesus echoed this truth, declaring that "the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Our words, then, are more than sounds—they directly reflect our inner selves, revealing the actual condition of our hearts.

27 The Lord's light penetrates the human spirit,
    exposing every hidden motive.

The Lord shines a light on "every hidden motive," and Jesus tells the Pharisee Nicodemus: "God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it, fearing their sins will be exposed" (John 3:18-21).

How spiritually awakened are you to the fact that God sees you always in everything you do and are? Yet, despite your imperfections, poor habits, and disobedience, he loves you and welcomes you to reside in his presence. It's not a response of affirmation for the darkness that still resides in your heart and spews from your mouth; it's because God is a God of love and true to his Word.

If you choose to live in darkness, you align yourself with the behavior of cockroaches. Have you ever wondered why cockroaches prefer to come out only at night? The darkness offers them a cover, allowing them to scavenge for food without being seen. They avoid the light because exposure would lead to their discovery and destruction.

Similarly, people living for their selfish desires rather than God's purposes often do so under darkness. They hide their actions, hoping to avoid the consequences if they are brought into the light. But just like cockroaches, those who dwell in the darkness will eventually face the consequences. Living in the dark leads to spiritual decay, separation from God, and ultimately, perishing both in this life and for eternity.

The lesson here is clear: Don't live like a cockroach. Choose the light where God's truth and grace can shine on your life, guiding you to a path of righteousness and eternal life.

"... You're omniscient, right?" "For the most part, yes." "Then you have to tell me this 'cause I have to know. What's at the end of everything?" He shrugged. "That's easy enough." "Then tell me." "The letter G." ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon

As we go through our day, let us be mindful of our words. Let them reflect a heart aligned with God's will—a heart full of his love and truth. When we allow God's light to shine through us, our words can bring life and healing to those around us.

Your words are a mirror of your heart. What is your heart reflecting today, light or darkness?

May God bless your hearing, understanding, and application of today's wisdom.