Day Thirty-Three
Liar Liar Pants on Fire (Read Proverbs 13:1-6)
"If you tell the truth, you do not need a good memory!" ~ Mark Twain
Truth and deception have never been more relevant in a world of information and communication; look at the political spectrum and "Fake News?" Whether told in jest or malicious intent, lies weave a complex web that can fracture relationships, distort reality, and challenge the foundation of trust within societies. Consider how polarized the world has become; everyone accuses the other of deception and ulterior motives. From "little white lies" to grandiose fabrications, the motivations behind deceit are as varied as those who perpetrate them.
Have you ever heard the expression "Liar Liar Pants on Fire?" If this were a literal statement, you couldn't tell the earth from the sun because both would be on fire, orange in coloration, and extremely hot. Every person is a liar in varying degrees. If you tell one lie, you are a liar. If you say, "I am not a liar" or "I have never told a lie," you better check your britches because they are on fire. You'll catch the whole world on fire if you're not careful.
Here is a True Story About a Talking Dog
A guy spots an advertisement on social media that reads "Talking Dog for Sale." Intrigued, he visits the home. When he arrives, he sees a person standing outside and poses the question:
"Is this the home with the "Talking Dog for Sale?"
"Yes, replies the owner of the dog. He is in the living room watching television; go on in."
The guy enters, and the dog sits in a recliner, watching TV.
"Are you for real a talking dog?" he asks the dog.
"Yes," the dog replies. The guy is dumbfounded.
"So, tell me about your life?"
"I've led a very full life," says the dog. "I have been speaking since I was a puppy and have enjoyed every opportunity a dog could ever dream of having. I've lived in the Swiss Alps, rescuing avalanche victims. Then, I served my country in Iraq for many years as a spy behind enemy lines. And now I spend my days reading to the residents of a retirement home."
The guy is amazed. He asks the dog's owner, "Why on earth would you want to get rid of an incredible dog like that?"
The owner says, "BECAUSE HE IS A LIAR! He never did any of that!"
Proverbs 13:2-5
2 Wise words will win you a good meal,
but treacherous people have an appetite for violence.
3 Those who control their tongue will have a long life;
opening your mouth can ruin everything.
4 Lazy people want much but get little,
but those who work hard will prosper.
5 The godly hate lies;
the wicked cause shame and disgrace.
"I'm not upset that you lied to me; I'm upset that I can't believe you from now on." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
The temptation to lie is powerful because it comes in many different forms. The human ego is constantly caught between extremes, "Look at who I am" and "Look at whom I am not." The need to fabricate or elaborate on the truth is constant. We are so good at it that we don't even realize we're doing it; it's manufactured at a subconscious level. It's so cunning and illusive that if repeated long enough, we'll believe our own lies. Have you ever heard the expression "Dining on your own BS?"
20 If someone says, "I love God," but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people, we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see (1 John 4:20)?
What areas of your life are you currently dishonest? Health, finances, security, relationships, fear, depression, addiction, not sure? Inviting others to be accountability partners is a great start to living a straightforward and truthful life. The more consistent you become with transparency, the easier it gets. Wisdom says, "Be honest." Our ego says, "Yes, but.." If you want to be free from the bondage of self, rigorous honesty is paramount; there are zero exceptions to this spiritual principle.
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you can never tell if they're genuine." ~ Abraham Lincoln.
May God bless your hearing, understanding, and application of today's wisdom.