Day Forty-Seven
Terrors of the Tongue (Read Proverbs 18:1-8)
"Raised voices lower esteem. Hot tempers, cool friendships. Loose tongues stretch the truth. Swelled heads shrink influence. Sharp words dull respect." ~ William Arthur Ward
The human tendency to speak before thinking can have profound consequences, and nowhere is this more vividly represented than in the fool archetype. This character often embodies a blend of naivety and impulsiveness, leading to a cycle of self-destructive speech that escalates from mere social blunders to extreme circumstances. As his careless words create a ripple effect, the fool finds himself embroiled in strife, seeking to navigate the turbulent waters of misunderstanding and conflict. Yet, what begins as innocent folly quickly grows more severe as his speech incites beatings, evokes terror, and culminates in profound despair. This remarkable evolution illustrates not only the weight of words but also the precarious nature of communication and its capacity to shape an individual's reality.
An assessment you never want to receive but will one day be the assessment of the damage caused by your tongue/speech. When assessed, the wisdom extracted from Proverbs often focuses on the damage caused by our tongue/speech toward others. Today, our wisdom teaching focuses on the self-afflicted injuries we cause ourselves because of our big mouths, loose lips, and wicked hearts.
6 Fools' words get them into constant quarrels;
they are asking for a beating.
7 The mouths of fools are their ruin;
they trap themselves with their lips.
8 Rumors are dainty morsels
that sink deep into one's heart.
"The words of a tattle tale" or the words of a whisperer are as dainty morsels that go down into the depths of the soul (mind, will, and emotions). We are back again to the subject of the fool. Remember that the Lord Jesus told us not to call anyone a fool (see Matt. 5:22). However, God calls some people fools because He knows them to their core.
We find again that the fool is a source of trouble. The fool continuously stirs up contention, issues complaints, and finds fault.
We can give another fitting modern proverb: "Be considerate. Most people know how to express a complaint, but few utter a gracious compliment. We rarely praise bees for making honey but quickly warn others of their sting." How true!
"The tongue like a sharp knife ... Kills without drawing blood." ~ Gautama Buddha
Learning to refrain from opening our mouths, sending emails or texts, and posting on social media or responding to another's posts are significant first steps in controlling your most deadly weapon, the erring member of the tongue. Asking yourself if it's necessary to say, send, or post requires commitment and spiritual maturity. Proverbs 18 warns of the trouble when we leave the gate open for the tongue to do and say as it pleases. We are begging for conflict when we fail to heed this wisdom warning.
May God bless your hearing, understanding, and application of today's wisdom.