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Day Ten

Water Your Own Grass (Read Proverbs 5:15-23)

The better you treat your spouse, the better they will look. Our wisdom reading today reminds us of how selfish and casual we can be, especially over time. The long-term effects of self-centeredness, especially with your spouse, can lead to years of staleness and wonder. If you neglect to water your own grass, you'll start to covet your neighbor's grass. Wander too far; you will test the flesh; if you test the flesh, you will lose every time, and so will they and many others.

The author of our writing today uses the illustration of a well, reminding us to drink from our own well and never share it with others or allow it to spill on the ground, where multiple partners come into play. Our vocabulary has many choice labels for people who choose to sleep around with whomever they please. It doesn't take much to drown in a cesspool of porn, dating apps, hookup apps, strip clubs, one-night stands, and affairs. It's imperative to understand that the encounter doesn't just have to be physical; it can be strictly emotional, still just as destructive.

The grass is greenest where it is watered the most. We are reminded that our spouses are blessings and encouraged to treat them as we did initially. Reflect briefly on the hours you committed to your spouse when you first met. You would go above and beyond to make them feel special, spend ours on the phone, send love letters, and leave mushy notes. You were motivated to care for yourself by staying in shape and dressing in ways that make them unable to take their eyes off you. Over time, selfishness and casualness take over, and the tendency to become roommates instead of lovers becomes a reality for many couples. Don't allow that to happen to you.

21 For the Lord sees clearly what a person does,
    examining every path they take.
22 An evil
person is held captive by their own sins;
    they are ropes that catch and hold them.
They will die for lack of self-control;
    they will be lost because of their great foolishness.

What is the state of your marriage? Do you water your own lawn? God knows every person's heart. Stop the spill immediately if your water is spilling all over the ground. Seek wise counsel, confess your sins, make amends when warranted, and get back to the actions you were willing to take initially that attracted you both to each other. God can and will breathe life back into your marriage, but you must humble yourself and be willing to do anything necessary to make it happen. Remember, the grass is always the greenest where it is watered the most, so water your own grass.