Welcome to today's message, "How Do I Know What I am Supposed To Believe?" Every human being wrestles with the question of whether they are a person of faith or one of reason.
Today, we look at the positions of faith and no faith, reason vs. faith, and secular vs. religious. Every human being falls into one of these categories.
This message is influenced by the work and teaching of:
- The Apostles
-Tim Kellar
- Greg Boyd
- Preston Ulmer
- Paul Eddy
- Lee Strobel
We take a fair view of both secular and religious people.
We hope this message helps you better wrestle with the question everyone has.
Irrespective of your faith tradition, beliefs, culture, race, past, identity, politics, age, differing abilities, or present circumstances, we extend a warm invitation to our Jesus-centered community. Here, everyone is not just accepted but embraced with love and healing.
Regardless of your doubts, questions, or challenges about God and spirituality, the journey to discover the truth about a Jesus-looking God can lead to a profound and compelling spiritual awakening. This awakening can potentially transform your life in ways that may seem unimaginable.
Our primary mission is to journey with you, guiding you to embrace a Jesus-centered life. In this journey, we recognize that your unique contributions are not just significant but vital to our shared mission with Christian churches worldwide as we strive to transform the world.
Harold Long