
TheTempleWithin, SoulRestoration, JesusCentered, BodyMindSpirit, Stewardship, FaithJourney, OnlineChurch, HolySpirit, SpiritualLife, LiveForGod, TransformationChurch, Transformer4Life, HaroldELong, HaroldLong, ChristianLife, FaithWellness
The Temple Within

Welcome to Week 2 of our yearlong series, Body - Mind - Spirit: Focused on Soul Restoration. Today's message, "The Temple Within," is inspired by 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Together, we will explore the profound truth that our bodies are sacred temples where the Holy Spirit resides. This message challenges us to honor God with our physical, mental, and spiritual lives, aligning every aspect of who we are with His divine purpose:

In this sermon, we uncover what it means to:

  • Recognize our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. • Practice intentional stewardship through nourishment, exercise, and rest. • Reflect on our spiritual commitment through daily choices.

This message uses powerful illustrations and timeless wisdom from John Wesley, Tim Keller, Greg Boyd, and N.T. Wright. It shows how honoring our bodies glorifies God and shines His light on those around us. It invites us to stop living for our own ambitions and start living a Jesus-centered life—turning our will and lives over to His purposes.

Key Points: • Understanding the temple within: God's Spirit dwells in us. • Honoring God through stewardship: Caring for our physical selves as acts of worship. • Reflecting spiritual commitment: Aligning our habits with God's eternal purposes.

Take Action Today: • Commit to daily gratitude for your body. • Make intentional health and wellness choices. • Seek renewal through rest and spiritual practices. • Embrace community accountability to support your journey.

Ready to Respond? This message invites you to surrender your life to Jesus. Let go of personal ambitions and embrace a life centered on God's will. Jesus invites you to live life on your terms with His strength, peace, and purpose. Are you ready to make that decision Today?

Support Our Ministry: Your generosity makes it possible for us to share messages of hope and restoration. Even though we're online Today, giving is simple! You can: • Use our church app. • Scan the QR code on your screen. • Text to give using the number provided. Every gift helps further God's work through this ministry. Thank you for being faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to you!

Connect With Us: If we can pray for you or support you, please visit our website at

Stay connected and grow with us throughout this series and beyond: • Website: • Instagram: @transformationchurchmo • Twitter: @haroldelong, @haroldeugenelong @transformationchurchmo.

Hashtags: #TheTempleWithin #SoulRestoration #JesusCenteredLife #BodyMindSpirit #Stewardship #FaithJourney #OnlineChurch #HolySpirit #SpiritualCommitment #LiveForGod #transformationchurchmo #transformer4life #haroldelong #haroldeugenelong

We're so glad you joined us Today! If this message encouraged you, please like, subscribe, and share it with someone who needs to hear it. Let's honor God together and live as temples of His Spirit. See you next week!