Title: The Kingdom in Action: Living Out the Gospel of the Kingdom | Insurgence Series (Session 3)
Welcome to Session 3 of our sermon series, Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, based on Frank Viola's powerful book. In this message, we dive into what living out the Gospel of the Kingdom means in our everyday lives. Jesus calls us to believe in the Kingdom and actively embody its values through radical love, humble service, and peacemaking.
We explore key scriptures that show how the Kingdom of God is present, yet not of this world, and how it challenges us to live in contrast to the world's systems. Through stories and illustrations, we examine what living as ambassadors of God's Kingdom looks like, reflecting His love, grace, and peace in our interactions with others.
Key Points Covered:
- The Kingdom is present but not of this world.
- Living out the Kingdom requires radical love.
- We demonstrate the Kingdom through humble service.
- Kingdom citizens actively pursue peace.
This message will encourage you to reorient your life around the teachings of Jesus, letting the Kingdom shape your thoughts, actions, and relationships. Whether you're new to faith or have been walking with Jesus for years, this sermon challenges us to live in greater alignment with God's Kingdom.
Scripture References:
- John 18:36 (NLT)
- Matthew 22:37-39 (NLT)
- Matthew 20:26-28 (NLT)
- Matthew 5:9 (NLT)
Be sure to join us for the entire Insurgence series, and let's discover together how to reclaim the powerful, life-changing Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus and the apostles preached.
Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share this message with someone who needs to hear it today!
Chapters: 0:00 – Welcome & Introduction 2:30 – Recap of Sessions 1 & 2 5:45 – The Kingdom Is Present, but Not of This World 12:15 – Living Out the Kingdom Requires Radical Love 19:30 – We demonstrate the Kingdom through service. 26:45 – Kingdom Citizens Are Peacemakers 33:15 – Conclusion & Call to Live the Kingdom 35:00 – Closing Prayer
Connect With Us: Follow us on social media for more updates and encouragement throughout the week. Visit our website, www.transformer4life.org, for more resources and information about our ministries.
#GospelOfTheKingdom #InsurgenceSeries #RadicalLove #ChristianSermon #JesusCenteredLife #FaithInAction